High school Of The Dead is based off of the manga written by Daisuke Satō. This anime follows a group of high school students the school nurse, and a little girl that they rescue after her father is stabbed to death by other survivors.The high school students include Takashi Komuro, Rei Miyamoto, Saeko Busujima, Saya Takagi, and Kohta Hirano. The nurses name is Shizuka Marikawa, and the little girl that they rescue's name is Arisu Maresato. When this anime starts of everything is peaceful and normal, just another day of Takashie feeling sorry for himself because Rei dumped him. Then all of a sudden a teacher is bitten while dealing with what they thought was just a nut at the front gate, seeing this Takashi immediately goes to get Rei and Hisashi from class so they can escape from class, within a matter of minutes after the teacher was bitten the whole school becomes infected.
While trying to make their way to the roof top Hisashi is bitten, but continues to press onward untill they baricade themselves on a rooftop. Takashi is the one that has to kill him when he turnes. Saya and Kohta are fighting zombies in the school, Kohta has a gas charged nail gun with a makshift scope on it to kill zombies, and Saya is using him as a bodyguard. Saeko and Shizuka are fighting zombies in the School as well. They eventually all meet up and plan to escape on the schools bus, while their getting ready to leave Mr. Shido and his group of survivors board the bus after he uses one of the students with a sprained ankle as a sacrifice so the zombies will be preoccupied eating him. Rei and the others despise Shido so they get off the bus and head to Shizuka's friends apartment. Her friend Rika has a safe full of guns and bullets, not to mention a military Humvee. Before they leave they rescue Arisu and go on the run. Overall I liked the anime and hope they make a season two. As the anime went on it got more and more ecchi that was okay for a while but it eventually got old. I think that they started to focus on making the series more ecchi as it went on than about fighting zombies.
I really hope they make a season two. The OVA definitely didn't do the show any justice.
I like what you've done so far! This series sounds like The Walking Dead, the high school version. I like zombies, so this might be worth checking out.