The Anime Fullmetal alchemist is somewhat based of from Hiromu Arakawa's Manga Full Metal Alchemist. The first half of the anime mostly follows the manga but the plots start to become different towards the middle of the story,when Ed and Al reunite with their teacher Izumi Curtis. Dante who is using the homunculi to help her get Ed and Al to make her a philosophers stone was a former lover of Hohenheim and Izumi's mentor is only in the anime. The anime starts off with Ed and Al searching for a way to get their bodies back to normal after Ed lost his arm and leg and Al lost his whole body, and his soul was bonded to a suit of armor. What they lost was the price for trying to use human transmutation to bring their mother back to life. They hope that the legendary philosophers stone can help them get their bodies back, because it is rumored that with the philosophers stone they can ignore the rule of equivalent exchange. Throughout the series they face many challenges to find out more about the philosophers stone. When they find out what it takes to make a philosophers stone, they are devastated. They are devastated because the secret behind making a philosophers stone is mass human sacrifice. In the end Al's body is returned to normal, but Ed is sent to another world where he can't use Alchemy to return home. The movie Conqueror Of Shamballa somewhat fixes this, but in the end of the movie both Ed and Al are in the different world. Overall I liked the Series but I didn't like how it differed from the manga, and I didn't like the series or the movies endings.
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