Which is better

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood follows Hiromu Arakawa's Manga Full Metal Alchemist. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood follows the manga much closer than Full Metal alchemist does. In Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Ed and Al are still searching for a way to get their bodies back to normal just like they were in Full Metal Alchemist after Ed lost his arm and leg and Al lost his whole body, and his soul was bonded to a suit of armor. What they lost was the price for trying to use human transmutation to bring their mother back to life. They hoped that the legendary philosophers stone can help them get their bodies back, because it is rumored that with the philosophers stone they can ignore the rule of equivalent exchange. Just like in Full Metal Alchemist Ed and Al go on many adventures to find out more about the philosophers stone. When they find out what it takes to make a philosophers stone, they are devastated. They are devastated because the secret behind making a philosophers stone is mass human sacrifice. In the end after they defeat the first homunculus called father Ed gets his arm back and gives up his gate that he needs to perform alchemy to get his brother back. I liked the ending of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood much better than the ending to Full Metal Alchemist. I think that Brotherhood  had a more developed and focused plot and storyline than Full Metal Alchemist, plus the speed that everything happened was much better in Brotherhood.

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