Which is better

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Black Butler II

Black Butler II (Kuroshitsuji II) is the continuation of the first part of the series Black Butler. This series takes place about a year and three months after Ciel Got his revenge on the Queen and the angel for humiliating him and the deal between him and Sebastian was supposed to be fulfilled. When Sebastian was about to eat Ciel's soul, a soul he had worked so hard to flavor with anger and the satisfaction of revenge the soul was missing from Ciel's body. The story starts of at the Trancy mansion where we are introduced to 13 year old boy Alois Trancy and his cold and emotionless butler Claude Faustus. Like Sebastian Claude is a demon butler bound to Alois by a contract until Alois has made Sebastian suffer and Claude gets to eat Alois's soul. Alois wanted to make Sebastian suffer because he thought that Sebastian was the one that had made the contract with his little brother and ate his soul. Alois had Claude take Ciel's soul before Sebastian could devour it, and in the first episode Sebastian infiltrates the mansion to get Ciel's soul back. When he gets Ciel's soul back it is not the same, Ciel had lost all his memories of his revenge so his soul was no longer the soul that Sebastian wanted to eat. Sebastian still craves Ciel's Soul so he doesn't tell Ciel that he had gotten revenge, and works on re cultivating Ciel's soul because if Ciel gets revenge on someone that he thinks was the one that humiliated him, his soul will still taste the same. Sebastian runs into a problem when Claude begins to desire ciels soul over Alois's. This series is a good continuation of the original and has a very surprising ending. Overall I liked the the series but I felt that the ending could have been a little better, maybe not as depressing. But if you think about it the whole series is depressing and Ciel has nothing but misery and misfortune so the ending does fit the story very well.

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