Which is better

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Casshern Sins

  In Casshern Sins robots have become self-aware. Their leader Braiking Boss ruled over the world with an iron fist. Luna is summoned by the people to bring the salvation of mankind. Braiking Boss saw Luna as a threat to his robot empire so he sent three of his most powerful warriors to kill  Luna, Casshern, Dio, and Leda. They all posses the same strength as each other, but Casshern was the strongest warrior because he lacked emotions. Casshern kills Luna plunging the world into ruin. Dio always hated Casshern because no matter how hard he tried Casshern was always better than him. Hundreds of years later the world's atmosphere is filled with poison, and most surviving humans cant reproduce. Robots begin to die like humans because the environment quickly causes their mechanical bodies to rust and corrode, and there are no factories to make new parts or new robots. Casshern disappeared after he assassinated Luna, and when he awakens he has no memory of who he is or what he had done. As he embarks on a journey to find out the truth about himself he meets many people that want to kill him and devour his flesh. They want to devour his flesh because he is immortal and they think that if they eat his flesh they will live forever. At the end of the series he stops the ruin and disappears never to be seen again, saying he will return if people ever forget about death. Overal I thought the series was okay. I just wish it had a better ending and a little bit longer and more detailed plot.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood follows Hiromu Arakawa's Manga Full Metal Alchemist. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood follows the manga much closer than Full Metal alchemist does. In Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Ed and Al are still searching for a way to get their bodies back to normal just like they were in Full Metal Alchemist after Ed lost his arm and leg and Al lost his whole body, and his soul was bonded to a suit of armor. What they lost was the price for trying to use human transmutation to bring their mother back to life. They hoped that the legendary philosophers stone can help them get their bodies back, because it is rumored that with the philosophers stone they can ignore the rule of equivalent exchange. Just like in Full Metal Alchemist Ed and Al go on many adventures to find out more about the philosophers stone. When they find out what it takes to make a philosophers stone, they are devastated. They are devastated because the secret behind making a philosophers stone is mass human sacrifice. In the end after they defeat the first homunculus called father Ed gets his arm back and gives up his gate that he needs to perform alchemy to get his brother back. I liked the ending of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood much better than the ending to Full Metal Alchemist. I think that Brotherhood  had a more developed and focused plot and storyline than Full Metal Alchemist, plus the speed that everything happened was much better in Brotherhood.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Full Metal Alchemist

The Anime Fullmetal alchemist is somewhat based of from Hiromu Arakawa's Manga Full Metal Alchemist. The first half of the anime mostly follows the manga but the plots start to become different  towards the middle of the story,when Ed and Al reunite with their teacher Izumi Curtis. Dante who is using the homunculi to help her get Ed and Al to make her a philosophers stone was a former lover of Hohenheim and Izumi's mentor is only in the anime. The anime starts off with Ed and Al searching for a way to get their bodies back to normal after Ed lost his arm and leg and Al lost his whole body, and his soul was bonded to a suit of armor. What they lost was the price for trying to use human transmutation to bring their mother back to life. They hope that the legendary philosophers stone can help them get their bodies back, because it is rumored that with the philosophers stone they can ignore the rule of equivalent exchange. Throughout the series they face many challenges to find out more about the philosophers stone. When they find out what it takes to make a philosophers stone, they are devastated. They are devastated because the secret behind making a philosophers stone is mass human sacrifice.  In the end Al's body is returned to normal, but Ed is sent to another world where he can't use Alchemy to return home. The movie Conqueror Of Shamballa somewhat fixes this, but in the end of the movie both Ed and Al are in the different world. Overall I liked the Series but I didn't like how it differed from the manga, and I didn't like the series or the movies endings.  

Monday, February 11, 2013

Highschool Of The Dead

High school Of The Dead is based off of the manga written by Daisuke Satō. This anime follows a group of high school students the school nurse, and a little girl that they rescue after her father is stabbed to death by other survivors.The high school students include Takashi Komuro, Rei Miyamoto, Saeko Busujima, Saya Takagi, and Kohta Hirano. The nurses name is Shizuka Marikawa, and the little girl that they rescue's name is Arisu Maresato. When this anime starts of everything is peaceful and normal, just another day of Takashie feeling sorry for himself because Rei dumped him. Then all of a sudden a teacher is bitten while dealing with what they thought was just a nut at the front gate, seeing this Takashi immediately goes to get Rei and  Hisashi from class so they can escape from class, within a matter of minutes after the teacher was bitten the whole school becomes infected.
While trying to make their way to the roof top Hisashi is bitten, but continues to press onward untill they baricade themselves on a rooftop. Takashi is the one that has to kill him when he turnes. Saya and Kohta are fighting zombies in the school, Kohta has a gas charged nail gun with a makshift scope on it to kill zombies, and Saya is using him as a bodyguard. Saeko and Shizuka are fighting zombies in the School as well. They eventually all meet up and plan to escape on the schools bus, while their getting ready to leave Mr. Shido and his group of survivors board the bus after he uses one of the students with a sprained ankle as a sacrifice so the zombies will be preoccupied eating him. Rei and the others despise Shido so they get off the bus and head to Shizuka's friends apartment. Her friend  Rika has a safe full of guns and bullets, not to mention a military Humvee. Before they leave they rescue Arisu and go on the run. Overall I liked the anime and hope they make a season two. As the anime went on it got more and more ecchi that was okay for a while but it eventually got old. I think that they started to focus on making the series more ecchi as it went on than about fighting zombies.
I really hope they make a season two. The OVA definitely didn't do the show any justice.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Is This A Zombie?

Is This A Zombie?( Kore WA Zombie Desu ka?) is based off of the manga written by Shinichi Kimura. This series has twelve episodes and an OVA, the second season is not in english dub yet but I hope it will be soon. In this series the main character is a high school  named Ayumu Aikawa, he was killed by a serial killer and brought back to life as a zombie by Eucliwood Hellscythe who is a Necromancer. She revives him to be her bodyguard and moves in with him.  Eu cant speak because she doesn't know which of her word may become empowered, so Ayumu has these fantasies of her talking in a seductive way to him whenever she writes down something directed toward him. For Ayamu being a zombie has its benefits and its downfalls. Being a zombie he is nearly invincible and has the ability to use all his power, but he cant be out in the sun because it will kill him. While he was hanging out in the cemitary Ayumu meets a girl named Haruna. She is a magical garment girl that is hunting a Megalo and ends up cutting him in half and he absorbs her magical powers, so she moves in with him until her powers return. One day a vampire ninja named Seraphim shows up to Ayumu's house seeking the help of Eu but when she is turned down and Ayumu beats her in battle she moves into his house hoping that she can change Eu's mind. Eventually Ayumu finds the serial killer that murdered him and gets revenge, but finds out it was really Yoruno another zombie that had influenced Kyoko to commit all the murders. Yoruno does these horrible things to make Eu want to kill him because he cant die on his own. One day while in a battle with a Megalo he meets another vampire ninja named Yuki Yoshida from a different faction than Seraphim, and Haruna pushes Ayamu into her causing them to kiss. In the vampire ninja world a kiss symbolizes an eternal bond, so Ayumu and Yuki are technically married. In the end Yoruna realizes the things he had done were wrong and Eu kills him.  What makes this series so interesting to watch is the relationship that Ayumu has with Eu, Haruna, Seraphim, and Yuki because they all talk to and treat him differently. The only thing I dint like about the series is how Ayumu can turn into a magical garment girl after he absorbed Haruna's powers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Death Note

Death Note is a series based off of the Manga Death Note created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. In the series a Shinigami named Ryuk dropped his notebook to earth. Once a notebook has entered earth the Shinigami has to stay with the person that posseses the notebook until they die or forfeit ownership of the notebook. Light Yagami the person that originally finds the Death Note and forfeits ownership of the Death Note many times to keep himself from being caught only to have the Death Note end up back in his possession exactly as he had planed. Light Yagami is a very bright senior in high school that after finding the Death Note decides that he will use the Death Note to rid the world of evil by killing all criminals and rule as god of the new world he creates, which earns him the nickname of Kira. But shortly after he starts killing criminals the worlds most famous detective is closing in on his identity and puts Light down as a possible suspect in the Kira investigation. As people get closer to figuring out that he is Kira Light must kill the people investigating him. Then as L is suspecting Light as being Kira more an more a second Kira appears. The second Kira is a girl named Misa Amane who is a famous model, and is wiling to do anything for Light. Light and L play a game of cat and mouse for a while but Light wins and becomes L. Many years after his death L's successors Near and Mello begin an investigation to figure out Kira's true identity. In the end it took the combined effort of L, N, and Mellow to outsmart Light and convict him of being Kira. In the end Ryuk kept his promise of being the one to write Lights name in his death note and killed Light. I think this anime is a great anime to watch because it has a great storyline behind it with plenty of episodes so everything is not compacted into a short 12 episode run like many other anime's. I also like this anime because it has plenty of suspense and intense scenes that keep you watching just to see who wins and who loses, the loser being the person who dies.

                                                Rules For the Death Note

  • The human whose name is written in this notebook shall die.
  • This notebook will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
  • If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
  • If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
  • After writing the cause of death, the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds

  • Tuesday, February 5, 2013

    Black Butler II

    Black Butler II (Kuroshitsuji II) is the continuation of the first part of the series Black Butler. This series takes place about a year and three months after Ciel Got his revenge on the Queen and the angel for humiliating him and the deal between him and Sebastian was supposed to be fulfilled. When Sebastian was about to eat Ciel's soul, a soul he had worked so hard to flavor with anger and the satisfaction of revenge the soul was missing from Ciel's body. The story starts of at the Trancy mansion where we are introduced to 13 year old boy Alois Trancy and his cold and emotionless butler Claude Faustus. Like Sebastian Claude is a demon butler bound to Alois by a contract until Alois has made Sebastian suffer and Claude gets to eat Alois's soul. Alois wanted to make Sebastian suffer because he thought that Sebastian was the one that had made the contract with his little brother and ate his soul. Alois had Claude take Ciel's soul before Sebastian could devour it, and in the first episode Sebastian infiltrates the mansion to get Ciel's soul back. When he gets Ciel's soul back it is not the same, Ciel had lost all his memories of his revenge so his soul was no longer the soul that Sebastian wanted to eat. Sebastian still craves Ciel's Soul so he doesn't tell Ciel that he had gotten revenge, and works on re cultivating Ciel's soul because if Ciel gets revenge on someone that he thinks was the one that humiliated him, his soul will still taste the same. Sebastian runs into a problem when Claude begins to desire ciels soul over Alois's. This series is a good continuation of the original and has a very surprising ending. Overall I liked the the series but I felt that the ending could have been a little better, maybe not as depressing. But if you think about it the whole series is depressing and Ciel has nothing but misery and misfortune so the ending does fit the story very well.

    Monday, February 4, 2013

    Black Butler

      For anyone that likes animes and is looking for a good anime to watch I recommend watching Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji).  The main character of the story is a 12-13 year old boy named Ciel Phantomhive who is seeking revenge against the people that humiliated him, killed his parents and burned down their manner. To accomplish his goal Ciel knew that he would need help so he made a deal with a demon that until he got revenge and the demon ate his soul, the demon Sebastian Michaelis would be his butler bound to him by their contract and would obey his every command. This story is set during the Victorian area in England. Even though most nobel's in the story live a fairly stereotypical life for the era, Ciel and the people close to him have lives that are far from normal. The anime series Black Butler is based off of Yana Toboso's manga Black Butler. The show is perfect for anyone that likes shows with mysteries, action, and violence. The story in my opinion is very well organized and very interesting unlike some other animes that the plot is difficult to understand or really doesn't have one. Another thing that makes this series enjoyable is the story is the first season has 24 episodes and the second season has 12 episodes, and there are seven Ova's. This makes the series more enjoyable because there are enough episodes to fully develop and conclude a story without cramming to many events into one episode, or having the series end  at like episode 12 with a whole bunch of unanswered questions. I will talk about season two on my next posting. If you would like to see what black butler is like Funimation has put the first four episodes on youtube in english dub and if you like the series after watching the first four episodes you can purchase the series on their website.