Which is better

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Another is based of from Yukito Ayatsuji's novel Another. In 1972, Misaki, a popular student of Yomiyama North Middle School's class 3-3, suddenly died partway through the school year. Because they loved Misaki so much, the students and teachers behaved like Misaki was still alive which  led to a strange presence on the graduation photo. A boy named Kōichi Sakakibara transfers into class 3-3. Class 3-3 is cursed and once the curse stars one student each month will die, ad there is no set number of family members that will die each month of that student. After Learning these deaths have something to do with the Misaki of 1972, Kōichi and Mei try to discover a way to stop the deaths. They learn that every year there is an extra person in class 3-3 which is the person that died in 1972, but no one knows who the dead person is and the person that's dead does not know their dead. They learn the only way to stop the deaths once they've begun is to send the extra person back to death. Because of Mei's fake doll eye she can see death, so she knows who the extra person is. In the end it turns out that Kōichi's aunt, and class 3-3's deputy homeroom teacher is the extra person, because she died a year and a half ago. Koichi was the one to kill her, ending the deaths for another year.  

To Love- Ru Darkness

To love-Ru Darkness continues the To love-Ru series. It picks up right where the last episode of Motto To Love-Ru left of. Rito still can't decide who he likes more, and Momo is still working on Rito's harem. Nana and Momo transferred to Rito and Lala's school. Yami finds out she has a sister, and that her sisters mission is to get her to finish her mission and kill Rito like she was supposed to. Yami's sister Mea is like how she used to be, distant and doesn't surround herself with friends. She does become friends with Nana, but Nana doesn't know who Mea really is or what she was sent to earth to do. Mea like most women in the anime is in love with Rito, despite the fact she was sent to earth to make sure Yami kills Rito. I think To Love- Ru Darkness is the best one out of the To Love-Ru series. I hope they make a season four. 

Motto To Love-Ru

Motto To Love - ru

Motto To Love Ru is a continuation of To Love-Ru. Motto To Love Ru takes place a year after Lala came to earth, Rito is still unable to pick who he loves more, and Lala starting her relationship over with Rito hoping that he will pick her. Lala's younger sisters Momo and Nana have moved into Rito's house. Like Lala Momo fell in love with Rito, but unlike Lala she is more cunning and devises schemes to make Rito fall for her. Momo is constantly trying to make her dream of Rito having a harem come true, usually putting Rito in bad situations. In the end Rito Confesses to Lala that he love's her and Haruna, but is not able to tell Haruna that he loves her. I think Moto to Love-Ru had a more organized plot than To love-Ru, and was less random.   

Thursday, March 14, 2013

To Love-Ru

The series main character is a high-school student named Rito Yūki. Rito is very indecisive and can never bring himself to tell Haruna Sairenji that he loves her. One day while he is sulking about another failed attempt at telling Haruna that he loves her, a girl named Lala appears out of nowhere. Rito later finds out that she is a runaway princess from the planet Deviluke, where she is the heir to the throne. Her father wants her to return  home so she can marry one of the candidates for her husband. After Rito tries to defend Lala from Zastin and Lala's fathers other servants from forcibly bringing Lala back to Deviluke Lala wants to marry Rito and stay on Earth, and declares that Rito is her fiance. Lala then moves into Ritos house, and her father tells Rito that if he doesn't become the greatest man in the universe he will kill Rito and destroy the earth. As the story progresses many more women start to fall for Rito, and he is indecisive and cant make up his mind of who he likes more. Rito is always in the wrong situation at the wrong time so Yui Kotegawa is always calling him shameless, even though she secretly likes Rito. By the end of the series King Deviluke puts Rito through a test which Rito passes and at Rito's and Lala's wedding, Lala realizes that Rito hasn't made up his mind of who he likes more and calls off the Marriage. Lala wants to start over and have Rito marry her because he likes her not because he was forced into it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aria The Scarlet Ammo


Aria the Scarlet Ammo (Hidan no Aria) is based off of Chūgaku Akamatsu's light novel Aria the scarlet Ammo( Hidan no Aria). Kinji Tōyama is a student at Tokyo Butei High. At this school, students recieve special training in order to learn how to become a Butei, which is a national qualification permitting its Butei to arm themselves and capture criminals. The Butei deal with the increasing amount of crime, and the criminals that are to much for the police to handle. Kinji has been having trouble deciding whether or not he will continue becoming a Butei or drop out. One day while on his way to school he is attacked by the Butei Killer, a notorious criminal hunting down Butei . Aria H. Kanzaki who is part of the elite rank S comes to his rescue. After he defeats the Butei killers segway machine gun drones Aria want's Kinji to become her partner, and help her catch the people that framed her mom and clear her name. She wants Kinji to become her partner because when he enters his Hysteria Mode his cognitive and physical abilities increase, giving him near superhuman strength and skill. While in hysteria mode he can accurately shooting up the muzzle of an enemy gun,  and accurately shooting enemy bullets out of the air. Hysteria Mode is a genetic trait that all members of the Tōyama family possess, and allows him to protect any woman in danger. while in Hysteria Mode  Kinji to develops a suave and seductive attitude towards women, which makes him very attractive to them while in Hysteria Mode. In the end they kill Vlad, and Riko helps Aria get her moms sentence reduced by proving Vlad is the one who is truly behind all of the murders. Overall I liked the series but wish they had a season two. I didnt like how they just cut the series of at twelve episodes with an OVA, it could have been much longer.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hellsing Ultimate

Hellsing Ultimate is based off of Kouta Hirano's manga Hellsing. Hellsing Ultimate basically scraps the plot of the first Hellsing anime and follows the plot of the manga.Hellsing is named after and centered around the Holy Order of Protestant Knights. Hellsing's mission is to kill the undead and supernatural that threaten the safety of the Queen and England. This organization is currently led by Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. She inherited the leadership of Hellsing as a child after the death of her father. She was once an innocent and shy little girl but now is deadly force that even the undead fear. She is protected by the faithful Hellsing family butler and former Hellsing "trash man" Walter C. Dornez. Even in his old age he is still deadly and known as "The Angel of Death". She is also protected by Alucard, the original and most powerful vampire that swore loyalty to the Hellsing family after being defeated by Van Hellsing one hundred years before the story takes place. Hellsing is soon joined by former police officer Seras Victoria after Alucard shot through her to kill a vampire, and brought her back to life as a vampire. Seras throughout most of the series struggles to adjust to her new life as a vampire.As the number of incidents involving the undead escalate in England and all around the world, Sir Integra discovers that the remnants of a Nazi group called Millennium still exist and are intent on reviving the Third Reich by creating a battalion of vampires. Millennium, Hellsing, and the Vatican section XIII Iscariot clash in an apocalyptic three-sided war in London.Millennium's true objective was to kill Alucard, even Walter since WW2 had been working with Millennium until he had his chance to kill Alucard. In the end everyone in Millennium was killed, Hellsings and the Iscariot's forces were destroyed. Alucard vanished at the end of his fight with Walter, but returned thirty years later back to the side of his master Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Deadman Wonderland

Deadman Wonderland is based off of Jinsei Kataoka's manga Deadman Wonderland. A massive earthquake ravaged Japan's mainland and destroyed most of Tokyo. The story takes place ten years after the earthquake. The story follows Ganta Igarashi an ordinary student attending Nagano Prefecture's middle school. He is a survivor of the earthquake, and has no memories of the of the earthquake or anything that happened before the earthquake. His normal life changes forever when a person covered in blood and crimson armor floats in front of his classroom windows.The "Red Man" as Ganta refers to him massacres his entire class but instead of killing him, embeds a red crystal shard in Ganta's chest. After the Ganta is declared the sole suspect. Following an unfair trial, Ganta is sentenced to death and is incarcerated in a privately owned prison called Deadman Wonderland, which is a prison theme park. All death row inmates are fitted with a collar that monitors their location and life signs. Because of his 'crime' Ganta has to live out his imprisonment under Deadman Wonderland's 'Death Sentence'. A lethal poison is constantly injected into his bloodstream through the collar, but it can be neutralized by consuming a  candy-like medicine every three days. The candy can be acquired by participating in deadly games that people come watch for fun. While trying to survive as an inmate on death row, Ganta becomes increasingly obsessed with the 'Red Man' and tries to find him so he could clear his name. Ganta begins to develop the ability to manipulate his own blood, to the point of and is able to use it as a weapon. Ganta has become one of the prison's 'Deadmen', a segregated group of prisoners possessing the "Branches of Sin" which makes them capable of controlling their blood. After his ability is discovered, Ganta is forced to participate in brutal gladiatorial death matches known as "Carnival Corpse". The anonymous spectators pay large amounts of money to watch the combatants kill each other. While in the prison Ganta reunites with a childhood friend Shiro, who is always very nice to him, and protects him. The irony of this is she is the "Red Man" that Ganta is trying to find and kill. Overall I really liked the tv show and the storyline that it had. I wish they had finished the show instead of stopping at episode twelve and then making only one ova that didn't help complete the show.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Katsuji Morishita's anime series Blood + is based of the movie Blood: The Last Vampire. The series follows a seemingly normal high school girl named Saya Otonashi. Under the care of her adopted family, Saya has been living the life of a normal high school student other than needing regular blood transfusions. Her normal life is ended after she is attacked by a Chiropteran and her step dad is killed. She then learns that she is the only one who can defeat them. Armed with her katana, Saya goes on a journey with her step brothers Kai and Riku, their allies, and her chevalier Haji, to rid the world of the Chiropteran threat and rediscover her identity and what she did in her past. Saya eventually learns that she has a younger sister called Diva and that they were both born in 1883. She also learns that the reason why her blood is able to kill Chiropterans is because she is also a Chiropteran, and she only has a short time to kill her sister and the other Chiropterans before she falls back into a thirty year sleep. Diva and Saya can turn people into Chevaliet's by letting them drink their blood. In the end Saya kills her sister and all of Diva's Chevaliet's, and gives Kai Diva's and Riku's children to take care of before she falls back into her long sleep. Overall I liked the series and the plot that it followed. I just wish that the series didn't end with Saya in a thirty year sleep, and I also wish they had dubbed the last scene of the series instead of subbing it.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Hellsing - hellsing Photo
Hellsing uses the same characters and settings but has a different story from Kouta Hirano's manga. The series is thirteen episodes in length. Hellsing is named after and centered around the Holy Order of Protestant Knights. Hellsing's mission is to search and destroy the undead and other supernatural forces of evil. Helsing is led by Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, who inherited the leadership of Hellsing as a child after her father died. She is a very stong willed person who most fear, she had to kill her uncle as a child inorder to survive which made her the strong willed person that she is. She is protected by the faithful Hellsing family butler Walter C. Dornez, who was once known as the "Angel of Death", and Alucard the original and most powerful vampire that swore loyalty to the Hellsing family. In the first episode Hellsing gets a knew member, former police officer Seras Victoria after Alucard shot through her to kill a vampire and brought her back as a vampire. As the story goes on she has to come to terms with the fact that she is no longer human and she now has to drink blood to survive. As the scale and frequency of incidents involving man made vampires  escalate in England and all around the world Hellsing has to eliminate the vampires and keep the information from getting to the public.Oveall I liked the series better than I liked Hellsing Ultimate. I just wish they had finished the series instead of making Hellsing ultimate to conclude the story.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Highschool DXD

High School DxD Volume 1.png
Highschool DXD is based off of Ichiei Ishibumi's ligt novel Highscool DXD. The series main character is a highscool boy named Issei Hyodo. Issei attends Kuoh Academy because it was an all-girls school that recently turned co-ed, and the amount of girls outnumber the amount of boys at the school.  He lives a peaceful life until a girl named Yuma Amano asks him on a date. Since it's his first date and Yuma is his first girlfriend, Issei wants the date to be special. At the end of their date, they are in a park by a fountain where Yuma asks him if he wants to know what her wish is. Issei thinks he's going to get a kiss from Yumi, and he is speechless when Yuma whispers the words "Can you die for me?". She transformed into a Fallen Angel and killed him. She killed him because he possessed sacred gear which was seen as a threat to the fallen angels. He is soon revived as a devil pawn by Rias Gremory to serve her and her devil family. Issei meets a young girl while in town names Asia Argento and instantly falls in love with her and wants to protect her. Unfortunately for him she's a nun and he's a devil. But when the fallen angel's perform a cerimony to kill Asia and take her Twilight healing sacred gear Issei rushes to her rescue, but wasn't able to save her in time. Rias revives Asia as a devil because of her Twilight healing powers, and with a little help from Rias Asia moves into Issei's house. As the storie goes on we learn that Rias is supposed to marry Riser Phenex a full blooded demon. She didn't want to marry Riser so in order to determine whether or not they would get married they had a rating game, if she won the marriage was of and if he won she had to marry him. Issei was the last of her slaves to fall, and because she lost she had to marry Riser.  Her brother Sirzechs Lucifer who is not the original devil, but a more powerful replacement after the original Lucifer died sent one of his servants to tell Issei that if he cared about Rias, then he should just barge into the wedding and take her back. In order to defeat Riser and get Rias back Issei made a deal with the Red Dragon Emperor, and sacrificed his left arm for a temporary use of power. Overall I liked the series and cant wait for season two. I hope they eventually dub it as well, but ill settle for a season two.